Even Ryan Gosling admits to needing a break from himself every now and again, and that's exactly what I've needed over the last couple of weeks. As my sister got married and my family came into town, I found it more enjoyable to worry about my toddler beach followers than my online ones. Heck, it's very possible you enjoyed the break from me as well. My husband can totally relate.
That said, I am back. But before sharing something new, I wanted to celebrate an old favorite. I was lucky enough to have Zooey Deschanel's website "Hello Giggles" share an essay of mine on Father's Day 2012. If you missed it, here it is again. And if you loved it, remind yourself why. Here's a preview...
I knew long before considering marriage the likelihood I would call my in-laws Mom & Dad was incredibly slim. I assume for some it’s either an uber close relationship or level of great comfort that enables them to bestow the same moniker on another person as they do the one they peed, pooped and puked on for any number of years (dependent upon how much fun they had in college). For others, it’s just tradition or even obligation. For me, none of that had a thing to do with it... (click here to continue reading)
And... welcome back.